東京レインボープライド2020オンライン『#おうちでプライド』開催決定のお知らせ(Announcement of Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2020 Online #おうちでプライド)

東京レインボープライド2020オンライン『#おうちでプライド』開催決定のお知らせ(Announcement of Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2020 Online #おうちでプライド)





  1. オンライン パレード開催(4月26日)
    パレード開催予定だった4月26日(日) にSNS上でオンラインパレードを開催いたします。




  2. オンライン トークLiveを配信(4月25日・26日)
    4月25日(土) 14:00~18:00
    4月26日(日) 12:00~16:00
    東京レインボープライド 公式ツイッターより配信
     ブルボンヌ、阿部 知代(26日のみ)、杉山文野、山田なつみ
     秋元才加、⼄武洋匡、さかいゆう、為末⼤、天道清貴、中村 中、八方不美人(エスムラルダ)、広海深海、古⽥大輔(メディアコラボ代表)、ミッツ・マングローブ、MEGUMI※五十音順


  3. オンライン プライドウィーク イベントの掲載に関して




できることは限られているかもしれません。それでも当初掲げたテーマのとおり、『Your happiness is my happiness 〜あなたの幸せは、私の幸せ〜』を掲げ、それぞれが思い描く「幸せのかたち」を尊重し合い、お互いの存在を笑顔で祝福できる社会の実現を目指して。




共同代表理事 山田なつみ 杉山文野

Three weeks have passed since we announced the cancellation of Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2020 (hereafter “TRP2020”).
The staff at TRP2020 would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone for their kind words of support after the announcement.
We were greatly encouraged by this and have continued to consider our possibilities under these circumstances.
Even if the event itself is cancelled, we want to promote the importance of sharing our thoughts, respecting each other, and being oneself in any situation, thus we have made the decision to hold TRP2020 online.

The outline of the event is as follows.

  • [Outline of TRP2020 Online #おうちでプライド]Online parade (April 26)
    An online parade will be held via SNS on April 26 (Sun), the date the original parade was scheduled to be held.
    While we are unable to gather together outdoors for the parade, we hope that by gathering everyone's thoughts and broadcasting them online, we can connect as many people as possible with a rainbow-themed message.

    Please post the following to one of the selected SNS along with the hashtags #TRP2020 and #おうちでプライド between 13:00-16:00 on Sunday, 26 April.
    - Message
    - Rainbow-themed photos and images that convey the message you want to transmit
    * Feel free to be creative! For example, photos of yourself in rainbow-themed clothing, your favorite rainbow-themed goods, or rainbow-themed illustrations.
    Please use one of the following SNS services: Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.
    For those who cannot participate on the day but wish to post in advance, we will also accept admissions on the TRP official website.
    Messages we receive will be introduced on TRP's SNS and website.

  • Live Online Talk (25/26 April)
    A live online talk will be broadcast to guests on the originally planned days of the festival, which were scheduled to be held at Yoyogi Park over 25-26 April (Sat-Sun).
    The Co-Chairs of the Board of Directors will hold a talk with guests regarding their thoughts and themes about TRP. We will introduce the messages posted on SNS during the online parade on 26 April.

    25 April (Sat) 14:00-18:00
    26 April (Sun) 12:00-16:00
    Broadcast from the TRP official Twitter account

  • Regarding the Posting of Online Pride Week Events
    Pride Week has been run annually from 2013 with the idea of "Turning Golden Week into Pride Week!", and as a collaborative PR effort our organisation posts events being held over Pride Week via our website every year.
    This year, we will only post events planned to be held online, in line with the request by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to refrain from outside travel to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
    Pride Week Period: 25 April (Sat) - 6 May (Wed)

    The request form for the posting of events at Pride Week is listed below.

    This project was created so that anyone could send out a pride message from home, in addition to serving the role as a call of support to those who are unable to have a place they can safely call home.
    There may be limits to what can be done. However, with the message of "Your happiness is my happiness", we aim to realize a society in which each person’s idea of happiness and each other's existence can be celebrated with a smile.

    TRP supports both your happiness and the happiness of those important to you.
    We hope you can all join us and enjoy the experience together.
    Let's create a better future together, never stopping, and joining together as one.
    Thank you for your cooperation.
    Co-Chair, Board of Directors / Executive Committee - Fumino Sugiyama, Natsumi Yamada